
0. Introduction



All praise is due to Allah the Almighty and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon His final Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad. As to what follows

Indeed Allah swt has honoured the Muslims with His magnificent Quran. It is from amongst the pride and joy of the Ummah to see Muslims competing with one another in learning the Quran, its recitation, memorisation and subsequently acting in accordance to its teachings.

Nowadays even those who do not speak the Arabic language compete with one another in memorising the book of Allah. A clear sign of the sheer greatness of the Quran.

Based on my experiences with learning and teaching the Quran, I have found an urgent need for a text that is organised, simplified and practical. Containing simple explanations of the fundamental principles of the Arabic Language pertaining to the language of the Quran. A reading guide that is supported by examples from the Quran itself.

After supplicating to Allah, I consulted a sample of students studying in this field. Their counsel was invaluable in the compilation of ‘Quran Recitation Made Easy'. I then, with their help, embarked upon writing this Book.

Every effort has been made to keep the text in this book, as similar as possible to the Arabic text of the Madinah Mus-haf. This will enable students to familiarise themselves with the text of the Quran which in turn, God Willing makes both recitation and memorisation of the Quran easier.

'Quran Recitation Made Easy' will, God willing, be the precursor to a series of helpful guides for students seeking to perfect their recitation of the Noble Quran. It is also complemented with a handbook which will assist teachers in effectively explaining the book to maximise students’ retention of key principles and lessons.Included with this book, is an audio CD which provides students with the correct articulation and pronunciation of letters and words in the Arabic language.

It is assumed that students know the Arabic Alphabet before attempting to study this book. After it's completion, it is expected that a student will be able to read any word in the Noble Quran, if Allah wills.

I ask from Allah that this book serves students striving to learn the Quran, addresses their learning needs and fulfills their expectations.

Allah has honoured me with attaining Ijaza in ten different styles of Quranic recitation. 'Quran Recitation Made Easy’ is the product of my many years of learning and teaching the Arabic Language.

It is intended to create a solid foundation and to assist in the memorisation of the Noble Quran which will naturally enable Its further study for students.

We ask Allah to accept this effort and make it sincerely for His sake.

May Allah grant us sincerity and steadfastness and make us from the People of the Quran.

By Abu Obaidah Jarrah Shayea Alanezi





2. Lesson 2C: Joined letters Exercise











3. Lesson 3A: Short Vowelled Letters (Fat-ha & Excercise)



3. Lesson 3B: Short Vowelled Letters (Kasra & Exercise)




3. Lesson 3C: Short Vowelled Letters (Dhamma & Exercise)












3. Lesson 3D: letters with Short Vowels (Fat-ha, Kasra, Dhamma & Exercise)












4. Lesson 4A: Letters with Tanween (Fat-hatain & Exercise)












4. Lesson 4B: Letters with Tanween (Kasratain & Exercise)












4. Lesson 4C: Letters with Tanween (Dhammatain & Exercise)












4. Lesson 4D: Letters with Tanween (Fat-hatain, Kasratian, Dhammatain & Exercise)












5. Lesson 5A: Lengthening Letters (Alif & Excercise)












5. Lesson 5B: Lengthening Letters (Yaa & Excercise)












5. Lesson 5C: Lengthening Letters (Waaw & Excercise)












5. Lesson 5D: Lengthening Letters (Alif, Yaa, Waaw & Excercise)












5. Lesson 5E: letters with a Small Alif, Yaa and Waaw












6. Lesson 6A: Leen Letters ( Waaw & Exercise)












6. Lesson 6B: Leen Letters ( Yaa & Exercise)












6. Lesson 6C: Leen Letters ( Yaa, Waaw & Exercise)












7. Lesson 7A: Letters with Sukoon (no Vowel); (Fat-ha & Exercise)












7. Lesson 7B: Letters with Sukoon (no Vowel); (Kasra & Exercise)












7. Lesson 7C: Letters with Sukoon (no Vowel); (Dhamma & Exercise)












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